The Bodyguard’s Vow, a Matchmaker novella

Available exclusively on Amazon

The Bodyguard’s Vow novella is a lighthearted adventure – consider it book 2.5 in the Matchmaker series:

Good help is hard to find… As the newest Matchmaker, Amy Campbell has the magical power to identify soulmates and smooth the path for arranged marriages between elves, werewolves, or any of the myriad creatures of myth. But Amy discovers the position isn’t all roses and happy endings and soon she realizes the critical need for a bodyguard to help her navigate the pitfalls and dangers.

Mac did a favor for one Matchmaker long ago, not knowing it would tie him indefinitely to the new Matchmaker. Frustrated by Amy’s inexperience with her inherent magic and her new power, he wants only to send her on her way as quickly as possible. But an ancient vow is revealed that could undermine his goal.

For information on all of the titles in this series visit the Matchmaker series page

~~~ REVIEWS~~~

“If you are looking for an entertaining and light-hearted read, THE MATCHMAKER’S MARK is for you. It is a love story with a hint of mystery, a dose of magic and a promise of more to come.” -CherubsLibrary, 5 stars (Amazon)

5 stars for THE MATCHMAKER’S CURSE! “…a world of elves, werewolves and mythical beings, a world so well written that I found myself longing to walk the streets of Charleston and visit the swamps so I too could meet them.” -Penelope, reviewer PNRGuild


Shapeshifters are notorious tricksters. Obviously they can be deceptive in form, but beyond that, they are often cunning and particular and tend to twist a phrase to their advantage whenever possible. A Matchmaker must be on guard at all times when working with a shapeshifter and unless under duress, all meetings should be held in neutral territory. Often, the challenge is knowing precisely where neutral territory is…
–notes from the Matchmaker’s Book

Amy Campbell, now known in more obscure social circles as the Matchmaker, watched her… friend, she supposed was the best term, tug at the lock he’d just placed on the storage unit door. Behind it were all the furnishings and possessions she couldn’t bear to part with, and yet couldn’t carry with her from one assignment to the next.
She was effectively a nomad from this point forward.
“Satisfied?” One of his dark eyebrows dipped low over his eye, daring her not to be.
She nodded. It wasn’t worth a comment, much less an argument. They’d been in transition nearly a month and already she understood why her Aunt Camille, the previous Matchmaker, had led what had seemed like a carefree, gypsy life.
Camille had made the constant travel to negotiate ‘business’ deals and consult elite clients look glamorous, but Amy realized now it must have been an act. She was already a bit lonely and frustrated by the necessary avoidance of public places. As the Matchmaker, her magical powers sent normal humans into a sort of romantic stupor whenever she was nearby unless she applied a spell that muted her effect.
Her retired greyhound, Guinness, bumped his head under her hand so she could rub his ears.
“You’re right. I know that now.” She couldn’t even go into a grocery store without running the risk of starting an unwanted public display of affection over the lettuces.
“This is why you need a team. Your aunt had a team –”
“Yes, every Matchmaker has a team. I memorized this lecture weeks ago.”
“And yet…”
She shot him her version of his ‘hairy eyeball’. “I have the wee beastie here, as you call him,” she said, crouching to give Guinness a hug. “He seems to be an effective mute button.” It had been a pleasant surprise to discover her greyhound was almost as good as the muting spell she had yet to master.
“Sure, and about that.”
“I’ve been studying the damn book and there’s no mention of familiars.”
“Mind your tongue,” he scolded, glancing about as if soulmate-seeking goblins might spring like ninjas from the walls.
She rolled her eyes. “Right.” She had been studying the Matchmaker’s book, soaking up every bit of knowledge about all the creatures she’d thought were merely myth and fantasy. Nothing she’d read explained why she was so different from the previous Matchmakers.
She kept quiet until they were back in his car, heading across town to the apartment building where he lived and worked. She couldn’t stay there indefinitely, but he’d used his own kind of magic to smother her affect so she had a temporary base of operation. For now. She knew he was losing patience with her, but she also knew he wouldn’t actually toss her to the street.
Not without a team in place.
“The book explains matches and gives an overview of what to expect with various ‘races’,” she added the air quotes because the habit annoyed him. “But it sure doesn’t offer up suggestions on where or how to live.”
“I keep telling you, travel light and trust your bodyguard.”
“Just as soon as I manage to hire one.”

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