
Veil of Justice

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In 2096 an undercover operative, a guardian of ancient secrets, and a violent goddess collide for a thrilling ride as the Shadows of Justice series continues:

When Nathan Burkhardt agreed to the undercover assignment, it was all about justice for the soldiers impaired and imprisoned by a dangerous geneticist with a God-complex. But when he lands in solitary confinement, his only salvation is his telepathic connection with a mysterious woman working for his sister.

Kelly dreamed of serving in the family business but when her father and brothers are brutally murdered, she must utilize all her training and knowledge to preserve priceless secrets and prevent the return of an overpowering evil.

Discover all of the Shadows of Justice adventures at the Shadows of Justice series page



“Another great story by Regan Black. Not only a bang-up mystery/thriller, but a nice love story, too…story is outstanding. An overall great read!” -Kat Thompson 5 stars (Smashwords)

“Veil of Justice was a great mystery-suspense thriller.” -Sue L. 4 stars (Smashwords)



From her perch above Miriam’s tomb, the goddess looked over the dead city of Petra. So unfair that she was tethered here while the world moved on without her. Oh, her reach was vast, but what she needed, what she so desperately wanted, she’d yet to find.

Her power grew stronger as the sunlight faded and still she waited, trusting the wisdom of patience so close to the end game.

Assistants, minions really, came and went with various reports of successes and failures. Success she rewarded with another day of life. Failures died, slowly, as blood and brain were siphoned away with delicious precision.

The demon goddess known by many names licked her lips and listened for the clue that someone must unveil.

“Magnificent Nin.”

She crooked a skeletal finger in invitation.

“The map box has been found.”

She straightened to her full height, still waiting, rather than shout with premature joy. “Show me this.”

The speaker approached, a woman she noted, head bowed as was proper. She signaled the guard to hold her, ignoring the screams as she peeled away scalp and bone to touch the brain itself.

Life flowed up through her fingers and the prized knowledge with it. Her messenger had caught the eye of a well-built young man, and enticed him to share his secrets. Not all, to the man’s credit, but his look alone was enough to investigate further.

There were not many left with the strong jaw, dark eyes, and innate solitude that marked the guardian lineage. His name slipped into her consciousness, Darius. A fine young man with worthy goals, but his inexperience would cost him.


Nin thought briefly of the countless men and women she’d sent searching for the Guardians when those she’d sent after the specific treasures never returned.

After all this time, after so many bargains struck and broken, she had what she needed.

To honor the messenger, she made the kill swift, leaving the husk of the body to her guards. They must move quickly, before young Darius wised up. Nin wished for days long gone when she would have had her choice of generals to set to this task.

She vowed those days would return, her worshippers would once more fill this city and many others, but for now, only one of her servants was equipped for such a strike.


“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” Winston Churchill

Chicago, October 2096

Kelly sighed under the soft assault of his lips against her neck. The reaction set fiery tingles racing down her arm, her side, to her toes. His hands traced her ribs, sending her other side into delighted spasms. It was too much, too overwhelming. And every inch of her prayed he wouldn’t stop this time.

He hovered, deftly evading her touch. She ached for the feel of his firm, hot flesh in her hands. She moaned, her breath mingling with his, her desire shifting into an all new gear. They’d never shared so much. In all his visits, they’d never risked a physical declaration like this.

God, what had they been waiting for?

“Nathan,” she murmured, arching into his touch. Her body ignited under his, hungry for everything he could give, eager to give him everything she had in return.

Her clothes fell away and she lay bare before him, body and soul. She felt no shame, no hesitation, only need. She could do this, this which she’d never done before. With him she could, and would, find that blissful union perfected by the joining of two matched hearts.

An alarm sounded. Not anything like the fireworks or musical crescendos she’d expected from song lyrics and steamy books. Harsh and shrill it badgered her dreamy senses into submission.

Regretfully, she pulled away from her pleading lover to deal with the alarm.