TMM-UsaT-LargeThe Matchmaker’s Mark

Available exclusively at Amazon

A few more details: When you’re ‘more’ than human, finding your soulmate isn’t as easy as answering a few quesitons online. It’s best to track down Campbell Consulting, a.k.a. the Matchmaker.

In Charleston, South Carolina half-elf Lily has a birthmark her elders vow is a mystical promise of true love. So far she’s yet to encounter Mr. Right in either the elf or human realms.

Dare, a wood elf, has led the Matchmaker’s security team for years. In town on a simple errand, when the Matchmaker disappears his future is turned inside out.

And Amy Campbell is a completely human English professor about to discover the true magic of the family business…

For information on all of the titles in this series visit the Matchmaker series page


“A rare, light-hearted paranormal romance that will be loved by fans of both Nora Roberts and Kresley Cole.” –Jordan, reviewer

“The Matchmaker’s Mark is wrapped in magic and beauty! It swept me away!” –USA Today bestselling author, Debra Webb

“Here again, Regan Black brings a wonderful new story to life.” –Alexis, reviewer


Chapter One

My dearest Amy,

How are you and Guinness doing? I can’t imagine how a skinny little greyhound might feel in that wicked Nebraska winter. Should I send him some snow boots? Surely you are settled in and pampering each other after six months together.

I’m so sorry I missed you and the family at the holidays, business was unusually crazy this year.

Be on the lookout for a package from me, darling, you will absolutely treasure it! Above all take good care of yourself (and Guinness, of course).

All my love,

Auntie Camille


Lily Parker was in her element. Almost completely. Surrounded by flowers and serenaded by the bell above her door as customers walked in and out of her florist shop, she felt as radiant as her own beam of sunshine. She wrapped up the sale and murmured a blessing over the blooms as another happy customer left.

January wasn’t typically her best sales month, but her regulars kept her company and she always enjoyed the respite after the rush of the holidays. She’d tweaked the display window yesterday and patted herself on the back, since her register had been ringing steadily since.

Through that window she smiled at the woman on the street. The potential customer was currently admiring the sweet baskets of daisies flanking a stunning array of white tulips Lily’s wholesaler had brought in just for her. Then Lily spotted the dog.

She pushed open the shop door. “What a beautiful greyhound.”

“Thanks. This is Guinness.” The woman at the other end of the leash was pretty in an understated way, but her proud smile lit up her face as her dog leaned forward, eager to bask in any and all attention.

Lily chuckled. “Isn’t he a character?” She let him sniff her knuckles and considered herself approved when he ducked his head under her palm so she could scratch his ears. “Is he a rescue?”

“Yes. From an Iowa track. We’ve been together about six months.”

“That’s wonderful. I’m Lily, by the way.”


Lily took in the open coat and glove-free hands and pegged Amy for a snowbird, or possibly the cruise lines were doing a new promotion. “I didn’t know they allowed dogs on the cruises.” The other woman blinked, her smile giving way to confusion. “Forgive me. You’re not a tourist?” Having lived here so long, she knew the faces of most of the locals.

“Yes. Well no. Not officially.”

“That’s what I get for assuming,” Lily said, cooing over Guinness until the woman relaxed again. She usually read people with uncanny precision, but lately, it was as if she was a half step out of sync. “Would Guinness like a drink of water?”

Amy snorted. “He’d like anything that involves more attention.”

“Well come on in.”

“Your shop is lovely.” Amy held Guinness at the door, her gaze scanning the displays with sincere appreciation.

Lily sensed a kindred spirit, or at least some common interests. “There’s not a thing in here he can hurt,” she insisted. “I’ll just go get a water bowl.”

Connecting with new people was the best part of her job. She thought of it as her calling. It gave her such a rush to find out what they needed, how her flowers might brighten a day or mark a memorable, romantic moment. Feeling connected professionally kept her mind off her bleak personal prospects of romance.

She returned to the showroom, bowl and water bottle in hand, pleased to see Amy admiring her cooler while Guinness seemed curious about a stuffed teddy bear tucked next to a planter.

Lily thought of her cooler as an evolving painting, as well as a testing ground for how long she could keep a flower fresh in various stages of design. She’d once kept a carnation going for three weeks, but so far she couldn’t keep an orchid fresh beyond its normal life expectancy of a few days.

“Here’s some refreshment for Guinness,” she said, willing her mind away from her flaws.

The dog sniffed at the water before lapping it up with the enthusiasm of a broken lawn sprinkler.

Amy started to apologize for his sloppy manners, but Lily cut her off. “Don’t worry about it. This place can take it. Water’s just one of many job hazards.”

“You’re the owner?”

Lily beamed. “Primary designer and head janitor, too. It keeps me humble.”

“Well you’ve got a brilliant gift.” She waved a hand between the front window and the cooler.

“Thank you.” Lily smiled. “Spring’s my favorite season. Typical for a flower child like me.” She laughed at herself. “And just around the corner.”

“Around the corner?”

“Oh, February will be brown and bland, but come March things will start budding and popping with color and it won’t stop until –” She stopped short. She was as exuberant with the seasons as Guinness had been with the water. “Well not until next February, really.”

“Sounds heavenly.”

“The excessive humidity and nine months of hawk-sized mosquitoes are the tradeoff,” Lily confessed in a stage whisper.

The bells on the door danced and Lily turned her welcome smile toward Jim, the lead cop who patrolled King Street during the day. “I’ve got your order ready.” She moved around Guinness to pull a box of roses out of the cooler. “I’ll be right back,” she said to Amy.

“Good looking dog,” Jim said, letting Guinness get his scent and head butt his hand. “Busy day?” he called back to Lily. He moved closer to the register and whistled when he got a look at the roses. “Oh, my wife will love these.”

Lily felt a little sting on the inside of her wrist and rubbed it, annoyed that she’d managed to catch a thorn even through her long sleeved shirt.

The bells jingled again, announcing the arrival of the owner of the cupcake bakery two doors down. “Morning, Lily.”

“Hey, Belinda. Your order’s all set on the back counter.”

“Thanks, so much. I’ll just put these red velvets in your fridge.”

“Oh, today is a good day,” Lily said with a grin, earning agreement from Jim. Bartering with other King Street businesses was just one of many perks of her location. Ringing up the order, allowing for the community discount, her shopkeeper’s eye roamed over Amy and Guinness to another new arrival.

“Guess it’s going to be a busy day after all. Have a great anniversary, Jim.” The cop nodded and left, the box tucked under his arm. He looked casual, but Lily appreciated the vigilance he applied to her modest business as well as the rest of the neighborhood.

The newest customer stood tall and lean, and she felt an odd tremor of familiarity. She did a double take to verify she’d never seen him before. His jaw was shadowed by a day’s growth of beard and his dark, windblown hair was a little too long, curling a bit around the sunglasses he’d pushed to the top of his head. He didn’t have the typical, hang dog look of a guy searching for a way to mend a rift with a woman, which made a flower shop a strange place to stop in.

She smiled at him. “Shopping for anyone in particular?”

He shook his head and gave her a half smile that put her hormones on alert. “Just looking.”

When Belinda came back through the shop, carting a box of bud vases and a big bag of rose petals, he moved to open the door for her and followed her out without a word.

Lily stared after him. Weird. She’d call down later and see if the baker was training someone new. Rubbing absently at her arm, she rejoined Amy and Guinness. “So what can I do for you?”

Amy grimaced. “Tell me the secret to keeping flowers fresh. I can hardly keep a silk plant looking healthy.”

Flower secrets, well, all of nature’s secrets, should’ve been as easy as breathing for Lily. Since it wasn’t that simple, she basked in the praise and tried not to blush. “It comes down to trimming the stems and keeping the arrangement watered,” she offered the easiest advice first. “There are certainly specific flower options that will last awhile.” Wanting to honor the connection she felt with Amy, she looked around her shop. “Where are you staying?”

“With a friend. I’m mixing business and pleasure this winter.” She stroked her greyhound’s ears. “My friend has been absolutely amazing to welcome us both.”

“Does your friend live here? Downtown,” Lily clarified.

Amy nodded. “She’s in a neighborhood near the college. Why?”

“Hmmm.” Lily considered the options in her cooler. “You should have this.” She pulled out a French blue basket filled with yellow button mums, white daisies and a splash of purple statice. Springtime in a basket, she thought. “It’s a perfect breakfast table centerpiece.”

“Wow! This would just light up Maeve’s kitchen. How much?”

“Did you say Maeve?” Lily carried the arrangement toward the register counter. “Do you mean Maeve King?”

Amy nodded, a blend of surprise and ‘stranger-danger’ worry flitting over her face. “How did you know?”

“Oh, it’s a pretty close town. This arrangement’s definitely on the house if you’re a friend of Maeve’s. Consider it a thank you for introducing me to Guinness.” She grinned. “He really brightened my day.”

Amy turned Guinness’s long nose away from the teddy bear. “I’ve heard of Charleston hospitality, but I’d feel better if I paid for it.”

Lily shook her head. “Don’t worry. Maeve, or rather her busy social life, keeps me in business. Besides, it’s a day old already. Don’t tell anyone,” she said with a wink, “but I dawdled in the back with my wholesaler.” She murmured a little charm over the blooms to keep them fresh and the women happy as she wrapped layers of protective paper over the arrangement.

“She’ll love it, if can I get her to open it.”

“Is she the sort who refuses to tear into a gift? I didn’t know that.”

Amy grinned, relaxed again. “It was a shock that first Christmas in college, but we’ve managed to stay best friends despite her irregularities.”

Lily laughed, liking Amy more with every passing minute. “I met Maeve after a particularly busy weekend. It seemed my delivery driver had filled her office to bursting and she wanted to meet me.” She glanced at the door when the bell jingled again. Jim’s partner walked in, with a face only a florist could love. “Another tiff?” He stared at the floor. “Give me a minute to finish up here.” She turned back to Amy. “So how long are you in town?”

“Through the spring semester. We’re teaching an interim class on Romeo and Juliet and I’ll guest lecture between bouts of developing a new creative writing curriculum.”

“That’s fantastic. Will you be presenting the play to the public?”

“Not a chance.” Amy’s snort caused Guinness’s ears to perk, making Lily chuckle at them both. “It’s more about digging into the subtext of the story than the performance.”

“Ah.” Lily nudged the wrapped flowers across the counter. “Please tell Maeve I said hello.”

“Will do.” Amy sighed and shook her head. “I’m going to take a picture of these and send it to my assistant. It might give her hope to carry on through the remaining snowy months back home.”

“Be sure to come by anytime you want to chat or anything.” Lily murmured adoring nonsense to Guinness and waved goodbye as the pair left her shop.



The Matchmaker’s Mark received a nomination for Best Fantasy Romance
