The Guardian Agency: Logan (Brotherhood Protectors World)

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When hope is lost, truth is blurred, and your life is on the line, it’s time to call in the Guardian Agency…

The invisible wounds are the hardest to heal…

Months ago, Allison Weaver’s boyfriend turned violent after one of his investments tanked. She left him immediately, but the incident shattered her confidence. Now he’s harassing her with threats and accusations that her research into an historical site in Charleston, South Carolina has derailed his newest business deal.

Can her best friend teach her to trust-and possibly love-again?

Logan Harris is home for good and eager to reconnect with his best friend, Allison, the one person he truly missed during his career as a Marine. But on their first night out as friends, he catches her ex hassling her.

Protecting Allison is second nature and sticking close while he sorts out the danger reveals an unprecedented attraction sparking between them. But when her relentless ex gets more aggressive, Logan must call in additional resources in order to keep her safe and preserve any hope of a future together.

If you like fast-paced suspense and best friends to lovers romance, you’ll love Logan!


I loved this story! Logan and Allison were terrific characters and the story was captivating. It ran the gamut of intense, light-hearted, and romantic and was full of suspense, action, friendship, laughs, and love. Black did well pairing these two characters, they complimented each other well.

5 stars from Denise H, Amazon reviewer

This book had friendship, danger, romance and more. 

5 stars from Shadine, Amazon reviewer

~~~Enjoy an Excerpt~~~

Chapter 1

As the last student walked out of his classroom, Logan Harris stood and stretched his arms overhead, arching his back until he heard a series of pops along his spine. His body was still learning how to be a civilian. Though he kept up his workouts, he missed the hard demands of active duty.
Of all the things the Marine Corps had asked of him, teaching a class on the history of the Corps at the Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina was as clean, straightforward, and soft as a mission could get. Not easy, per se, but a far cry from a typical deployment or training exercise. He was actually enjoying himself, the students, and pace of the summer programming.
With only two weeks under his belt as an interim professor—still shocked him to hear that title in conjunction with his name—the faculty had extended an offer to bring him on full-time in the fall. The full time offer came with distinct advantages of great pay and plenty of breaks with the school year calendar. Still, it put an itch between his shoulder blades thinking about it. He wasn’t ready for a career indoors behind a desk. Although he didn’t need the work, he wasn’t at liberty to discuss his recently signed agreement with an extremely private security company.
The Guardian Agency didn’t publicize their services, operating solely on word of mouth and personal recommendations. Which said a lot for their success rate considering their central office was on Michigan Avenue in Chicago and they were actively hiring. Work as a bodyguard felt like the smart fit for his top skills and his plans to figure out life as a civilian. And his intention to plant roots in this area hadn’t fazed his agency contact, Patrick Gamble. In fact, they seemed pleased to add Logan to their roster in this region.
Though he’d been born and raised in a town not far from Charleston, his trips home were few after completing his initial training at Parris Island. So far, it felt good to be back. Even the steep summer humidity felt familiar and comforting. He needed the familiar right now.
He stretched again. His stiff back was proof enough he needed more movement than standing during fifty minute lectures in an air-conditioned classroom. Shutting down his laptop, he tucked it into his messenger bag and plucked the keys to the school-provided rental house from the desk drawer. He could drop everything at the house and go for a walk. He was looking forward to exploring the city some more now that his day was over.
The city had changed and grown in his absence. Some of his favorite haunts had changed hands and become new businesses, but plenty of the places he loved were still there, barely altered.
He checked his watch as he locked the classroom door. If he timed it right, maybe he’d run into Allison Weaver. Discovering his best friend from high school was also on the summer faculty had been an amazing bonus. He hadn’t laid eyes on Allison since the day before their graduation. He’d skipped the pomp and circumstance of the event itself and the parties that followed, too eager to get on with the rest of his life as a Marine.
If his temporary role as an instructor got back to any of his old teachers they wouldn’t believe it. Allison was a natural fit. She’d been a top student and eventually became a history professor at the College of Charleston. Logan hadn’t applied himself to any particular class or goal until the Corps.
Logan couldn’t think of two stranger paths to cross here and now. In the past twelve years they hadn’t done more than exchange Christmas cards. Well, Allison sent cards to him and, in the years he’d been stateside, he sent one back. He never questioned how she’d found his address, she’d always been resourceful. It meant the world to him that she cared enough to make the effort.
Since his return, she was an invaluable touchstone after what had felt like months of floundering and not fitting in anywhere. More importantly, she’d made it clear she was willing—possibly even eager—to rekindle their friendship. A gift he would not take for granted.