Foster A Greyhound and Fit Right In

This article in the Houston Chronicle tells the tail…er…tale:

of the amazing growth in the pet-support business. That’s my term to encompass all those stores and services people are frequenting to keep their pets healthy and happy.

The writer covers the obvious growth in pet health care services, as well as the growth in other service related industries and gadgetry to keep humans and pets blissfully content.

I for one don’t officially know how much I spent last year on my cats, birds and greyhounds. I could look back at what I budgeted – but I know I had to adjust when things ‘popped’ up.

Things like a sale on squeaky toys or a charming, seasonal collar. Or, sadly, a wounded paw.

I just know I love my greyhounds, cats and birds and while there are plenty of moments when something is inconvenient or even heartbreaking, my pets add  joy, wonder, humor, and peace to my life.

There’s a welcome comfort when greyhound Boo greets me at the door with ears perked, tail wagging and her happy little hop. Older statesman Brody lets her handle the immediate details these days, willing to wait on the couch for me to come to him.

Unless he needs outside, then the message is clear: “Hello, momma – apply your thumbs to the door so I may be relieved.”

And when we’re blessed enough to have a foster hound around – well that only adds to the fun. Fostering keeps this family fully in touch with the silly side of life as we watch greys adjust to the marvels of retired life.

A car ride, a trip to the pet store, a long walk without a track destination…it’s all new and exciting and oh, so ‘educational’.  Fostering adds to the time investment in our household as we acclimate the dog to home life with other pets, but it’s worth it.

Fostering can be a vital way to help your local greyhound adoption group and a good way to look for a new forever friend.

But don’t foster a grey just to be trendy and in tune with a growing industry – do it for the love you’ve got to share, and the boundless, greytful heart that will return that love a thousand times over!

Live the adventure!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: