Greyhounds Use It or Lose It Too

Yeah, it’s all in the theme!

But it’s spring time and more proof that if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it – even if you’re a greyhound!

Forget to finish your food – and you’ll likely find it gone…hopefully picked up by a human and saved for later. Otherwise someone’s tummy will have the noms meant for you.

Same goes for treats. If you lose the treat – you’ve likely lost it for good.

The best route through the yard? If you’re not through the door fast, and using the circuit, well you’ve already lost. At least until you get to go out alone and romp all over like a crazy pup (who shall remain nameless).

Toys are tricky. Just by using them you can lose them. Sometimes they fly into places you can see, but can’t reach. Sometimes they roll to places you can’t even see.

That’s troubling because you were right there using the toy and the next thing you know your toy is lost. This is a stinky situation. Worse than the breath of the old, grumpy dog (who shall remain nameless).

Use it or lose it often applies to the couch too. It’s all good if everyone’s napping in their favorite spot, but if someone wakes up, or the doorbell rings, well then if you leave, your couch might be lost to you.

You have to be careful not to fall for the ploys of other greyhounds who want to make you move so they can steal your warm. Especially if you have a favorite cushion or human to cuddle with like a smaller black hound (who shall remain nameless).

Live the adventure!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: