Greyt Greyhound News!

Using today’s typical greyhound space to share an exciting announcement!

The Regan Black Guide To Greyhounds will be released soon!

No, I don’t have an official date, but stay tuned as the dogs will surely have much to ‘roo‘ about in a couple weeks.

This non-fiction book is a compilation of twenty years of greyhound rescue, adoption, and joy-filled experience!

Twenty years seems like a long time, but when it comes to the greyhounds, it’s been time well spent. Anyone who’s dealt with these elegant animals knows how special they are.

Our first greyhound adoption was a wedding present to ourselves. Her name was Bubbles and she was a Queen among queens – and a wonderful ambassador of the breed.

She blessed our lives and our marriage for eleven years, welcoming our children along the way.  She became best friends with our cat, Tiger, and the two of them only fought once – over leftover chicken we’d forgotten to put away after a party.

Bubbles is the true inspiration for the coming guidebook.

After adopting her, we became more involved in greyhound rescue/adoption groups and have delighted in many greyhound foster dogs along the way.

She was special, not just because she was first, but because her personality was so very typical of greyhounds while being so individually ‘Bubbles’. A lovely combination of stoic and playful, she was simply the best.

She guarded the kids when they were babies and sacrificed her dignity to many small but mighty grasping hands through the years. She made fewer waves climbing on the bed than the cat and made a superb walking and car companion.

Bubbles is the greyhound that got me addicted and for all the greys that have come and gone through our lives since, I’ll thank her forever!

Live the adventure!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: