One Adopted Greyhound At A Time

It’s been over twenty years since I met my first greyhounds up close in the back of my vet’s office as they waited for or recovered from spay and neuter procedures. So stoic – and quiet – they sat in the kennels, seemingly oblivious to the chaotic barking and crying from the other dogs and cats.

I love big dogs, married a man who felt the same, and an adopted greyhound became our wedding present to each other. Bubbles was the best, a lovely ambassador of the breed, and a perfect ‘first child’ for us. She and our cat became fast friends and were often caught napping or playing together.

Ten years later, with two kids and another (rescued) cat, we’d moved cross-country, and got involved with the local greyhound adoption and rescue group. I thought we’d stay a one greyhound home, until Kayla got dumped at the pet store during a meet and greet.

With what looked suspiciously like a shallow bullet wound in her side, she was malnourished, flea-ridden, and scared. After sitting as close to me as possible for the duration of the event, my husband and I agreed to foster her.

Adopted greyhound, Bandit, the youngest of our pack

Bubbles was confused and stared at us soulfully even though we told her Kayla was temporary. Bubbles clearly thought Kayla was fine at the store, in public, but this was her home, her domain.

Poor Kayla was thrilled to be in a safe place and she was still a little edgy after her ordeal. When she tried to play, Bubbles laid down the law and announced her supremacy with one sharp bark, then they were good friends for the duration of their lives together.

Bubbles knew us better than we knew ourselves, I guess. Kayla wasn’t temporary. She became a beloved member of our family and started us on a road of fostering within our local greyhound adoption and rescue network. In the years since, we’ve only been a one greyhound family for short periods after losing one of our adopted greyhound pack.

I used to think the adopted greyhound volunteer who said, “three greyhounds is the perfect pack” was crazy. Now, I understand completely. While I prefer to keep our pack at two with a regular flow of foster greyhounds, we’re currently holding at three: Brody, Boo, and Bandit. (and no, I didn’t name them that way on purpose).

Live the greyhound adventure!

Find out if an adopted greyhound is right for you and your family with the Adopt A Greyhound Guide!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: