A Cat As A Focus Element of Paranormal Romance Novels?

It’s time for me to admit a truth: Writing paranormal romance novels with Maverick, our big (bordering on ginormous) black cat is one way to keep me in the chair with my hands on the keyboard. πŸ˜‰

There are two chairs at my grandmother’s desk now. One for me and one for him. Both are padded (though recently I think the whole room should be, but that’s another post)

No, he’s not the least bit spoiled, why would you ask?

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In the mornings, after breakfast, writing time means getting this big black kitty to settle in for a nap on his chair (rather than in my chair). After the time invested in that, I stay put so we don’t have to repeat that process for a good long time.

One problem with getting Maverick settled is the finch cage in the vicinity of said desk and two chairs. This cat is nothing if not persistent about pestering the birds. He snuffles around, searching for any discarded seed hulls or feathers that might have slipped to the floor. Maybe he’s channeling his inner blood hound and hopes the discarded bits will reveal a way into the cage itself.

I really admire his positive thinking. And his tenacity.Β It’s a daily, visual reminder that focus is vital.

Focus is vital to my progress with the various elements of paranormal romance novels I’m working on these days. There’s a lighter adventure nearly ready to send to beta readers. There’s a darker adventure I’ve been toying with.

And there’s Mira’s book too, the next 2096 paranormal romance adventure, in the very early brainstorming stage. You’ll find Mira in all of the 2096 novels and a short story featuring her and her soul mate is available at Night Owl Reviews free reads or when you sign up using the form there in the side bar.

See, there I go digressing again.

Focus has actually become a vital element for the paranormal romance novels I want to write. Because there are so many distractions, I set a timer and focus my creative energy for whatever time is available at that moment. Whether it’s fifteen minutes or three hours, that timer keeps me moving forward in the editing or writing stages.

So I spend focused time each day, with Maverick, at the desk my grandma gave me, crafting novels with urban fantasy and paranormal romance elements that I hope readers will continue to enjoy.

Live the adventure!

And please be sure to visit me at The Bookish Snob blog – today’s stop on the Tracking Shadows blog tour!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Dralene Foster

    We can learn so much from cats! We have 2 black cats named Pumpkin and Monkey. (they had those names when we got them at 5 years old so we didn’t think we should change them) While Pumpkin snuggles with my husband in front of the TV, Monkey sits om my lap while I write. Sometimes she puts her paws on the keyboard and writes a word or two. Those are probably the most brilliant of all the words in my WIP!

    1. Darlene Foster

      Thant should be Darlene Foster, it was the cat’s fault. I thought she new how to spell my name.

      1. Regan

        LOL, Darlene! Glad to know I’m not the only one with ‘too much’ pet assistance. πŸ˜‰

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