A Paranormal Romance Author Thinks Outside The Box

It’s a world gone mad, I tell you!

It can sure feel that way to paranormal romance authors and writers of every genre who yearn to achieve that traditional dream of seeing their shiny new hardcover novel front and center in every bookstore across the nation. I certainly don’t encourage or condone panicked thinking that books and bookstores are at an end – they’re NOT – but let’s be honest, publishing as we knew it, is in a state of flux.

So what?

Honestly, it’s been decades since publishers accepted a manuscript, paid the huge advance, handled all the publicity, and scheduled the national book signing tour so the author could sit back and focus only on answering fan mail and writing the next book.

It’s time to revamp the dream!

There are more options than ever for a paranormal romance author willing to produce a quality manuscript, take the time and care to edit it, and then get creative about marketing that book to publishers and readers.

Paranormal romance authors have always been ahead of the curve when it comes to thinking outside the box and morphing the norm in order to set imaginations free on the page. Now paranormal romance authors can apply those same outside-the-box skills to reaching readers.

It’s a world wide open!

Right now, in this amazing time of connectivity, we have the opportunity to listen to our readers and meet them where they are! With tools like blogs, forums, and social media, we can interact with readers and authors. With informative resources at sites like Amazon and Smashwords, paranormal romance authors can learn the technical skills to put the best books into the market.

There’s plenty of room in this new era of publishing for paranormal romance authors to achieve whatever they’re dreaming of – both on the page and in the market.

Live the adventure!

And just to put a wrap on National Book Blitz month, I’ll leave you with all the places you can buy or read Regan Black paranormal romance novels and short stories (in alphabetical order, no less): AllRomanceEbooks, AmazonB&NfReado, Smashwords, and even Facebook!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks