Elements Of A Paranormal Novel

What makes a novel paranormal? The easy answer is obviously a novel that contains an element of something other, or beyond, the norm. But readers often separate sci-fi and urban fantasy from the paranormal novel category and those are both not-so-normal arenas.

So what are the points to ponder?

Often we look to the writer’s lead characters when trying to put a label on a novel. The elements of the paranormal novel usually include more-than-human heroes and heroines (think vampires, shapeshifters, aliens, time travelers, etc.)

Sometimes the cast that supports the very human protagonist is the novel’s paranormal element. What’s more memorable than a quirky demon sidekick or a weary, unwilling mentor from the Greek or Roman pantheon?

Nearly as frequently, you’ll find the situation is the paranormal element of the novel. A tool (daggers, medallions, etc.) or a place (Stonehenge, Bermuda Triangle, etc) is infused with power or magic to empower or hinder the protagonist on the journey.

Supernatural skills or talents are another big element of paranormal novels. The mind games a writer can play with for the reader’s entertainment are vast and endless when psychic abilities like telekinesis, telepathy, dream theorists, etc. get thrown into the mix.

Specifically within the romance genre, the elements of paranormal novels can be dark and deadly or laugh out loud funny, as long as there’s a love story to enrich the plot and satisfy the reader’s expectation.

While readers of paranormal romance often expect the hero or heroine to be the ‘more than’ element, there are plenty top-selling examples to the contrary. (Nora Roberts and Karen Hawkins are two good ones).

Truly, the elements of paranormal novels are as bright and varied as the countless die-hard fans who enjoy them. No matter your taste in books, mystery, adventure, romance, sci-fi, or thriller, there’s a paranormal novel out there waiting for you.

Live the adventure!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks