Find Your Talent

You may have caught my earlier posts about having repair work done around the house recently. As I watched the carpenter and his crew, I felt immense gratitude that I was a paranormal romance author and not a contractor.

I mean it. How do builders learn this stuff?

The good ones seem to have an inherent knack for it. They just know which tool does which job and how to take apart and reassemble things like door jambs without making a bigger mess. Me, being the less-than-patient sort, I’d likely crack that molding they so carefully pried apart.

When I asked him, he pointed out that he wouldn’t have the first clue how to write a paranormal romance novel.

My mind just doesn’t work that way. I’ve decided, having watched more than a few repairmen work on my house over the years, that the good ones are gifted in the way they view the task at hand. They see their world through a different scope.

And they have the patience to do the job right.

Much like my husband can tell you everything about how a circuit works or how a data pack transmits over the internet and what an acceptable loss rate is, a good builder just sees the way things should go together.

One thing you’ll always hear from me is that EVERYone has a gift, talent or skill that can be applied toward creating a successful life.

You just have to find it, nurture it, and then run with it.

It’s no big shock around here that I don’t have the patience, skillset, or physical ability to do the repairs and improvements. I wanted to learn some home renovation skills many years ago, was actually on my way, but life had other plans.

So I rambled along what I saw as a detour and turned what I considered a hobby into a career. I don’t think I wrote that first poem or story with the intention of winding up here, a published author of six novels, numerous short stories and two non-fiction works.

But now, I can’t see my life any other way. And I wouldn’t want to.

The characters and the adventures from each opening scene to each happy ending has become a journey I crave every morning when I wake up. Developing ideas into books readers and reviewers enjoy is the best kind of reward for this paranormal romance author!

Live the adventure!
Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more:

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. What a perceptive post and how well it fits with starting a brand shiny new year!!

    1. Regan

      Thanks Laurie! Best wishes for your 2012! 🙂

  2. Saramarie

    And I for one am glad you found your special talent. Looking forward to the next in the Matchmaker’s Mark series. Hint, hint…

    1. Regan

      Thanks for saying so, Saramarie! The next in the Matchmaker series will be out in just a couple more months!

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