Happy Ending Tips for Paranormal Romance Writers

I read for the escape factor – and I write paranormal romance novels for the same reason.

Often people (silly as they can be)  claim paranormal romance writers only end books one way or we’re too predictable with all the happy ever after stuff.

But I like the happy ever after stuff…

both as a reader of many romance sub-genres and as a paranormal romance writer. Through many a manuscript and critique partner experience I’ve learned a few things about crafting solid, surprising endings for your paranormal romance novel.

Here are 3 quick tips:

1. Keep the action on the page. Don’t pull punches or that ridiculous ‘it was all a dream’ nonsense. You’ve been building up to this, let the reader enjoy every punch to the gut – literal and emotional.

2. Readers love to worry, and  they read to experience the world of the character in paranormal romance novels. At the crucial moment, make sure your reader can feel the intensity along with the character.

The old rule of thumb is if you didn’t cry writing it, your reader won’t cry reading it. So pull that box of tissues closer to your keyboard and give your ending every emotion it needs.

3. Last, but never least, don’t leave your reader wondering ‘what’ or ‘why’. Whether you’re writing in a series or stand alone, resolve, resolve, resolve.

Loose ends will frustrate a reader faster than missing pages and as a paranormal romance writer your goal is to build that precious relationship with the reader.

So be sure if you introduced something that you’ve wrapped it up by The End. Even in a series, there should plenty of subplots to wrap in each paranormal romance novel to make it feel complete even as you move the overall conflict into the next book.

Live the adventure!

What was the best twist you never saw coming from your favorite paranormal romance writer?

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks