Historical Habit For This Paranormal Romance Author

People are often surprised by my love of historical romance novels. Something about the genre just sweeps me away. From the humor of Julia Quinn to the intrigue of Amanda Quick, those hours of reading equal a little slice of heaven. They’re not even a ‘guilty pleasure’ because I’ll happily talk your ears off about characters, plots, rakes, gowns, heroines, horses, and more.

My guess is people find my historical habit surprising because I write gritty, action packed urban fantasy and paranormal romance novels. There’s a school of thought that authors should write primarily what they read.

Trust me, no one wants me writing historical romance novels, not even historical paranormal romance novels. Although…maybe I’ll do some research and put a few ideas on the back burner to simmer. But I don’t see that in my immediate future.

In school, I enjoyed studying history, but could never seem to keep the dates straight when the exam was over. These days, my research of things long gone and past events primarily helps me get a handle on how quickly we might evolve and how those changes might play out in my futuristic settings. I’d just rather let my characters romp around in not-yet-seen urban playgrounds.

Of course I read plenty of paranormal romance novels as well as urban fantasy. And I have many favorite authors (like recent RITA winner Virginia Kantra) who sweep me into their adventures as well. But when I’m deep in the writing of my own paranormal romance novels, I like the completely different tone and experience of well-crafted historicals.

And yes, I’m well aware of my preference for the romance side of the aisle: historical, contemporary or paranormal. I love the emotional impact when a dynamic, swoon-worthy hero finds his perfect match with a determined woman, no matter the time period.

Live the adventure!

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Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks

This Post Has 4 Comments

    1. Regan

      Yeah, I can understand that! Thanks for being here!

  1. Silvia Viana

    I am joining the tour a bit late so I have lots to read but would love to start with you !!

    1. Regan

      Awesome, Silvia! Just what an author loves to hear! You’ll find Tracking Shadows in your email inbox soon!

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