Paranormal Romance Writer Resolutions

Here’s my list of resolutions for 2010:

1. Write more, wine less. Oops -I mean whine less.

Every session won’t be perfect, but every session gets me closer to the goal. Besides, I’m happier when I’m writing consistently. And a happier me means a happier home for my family too.

2. Make a daily page commitment and stick with it!

No author gets from Once upon a time to The End without daily effort. This year I will enjoy that daily effort because I’ve learned consistency breeds stronger storytelling.

3. Study my craft.

A writer can always improve. Craft books like The Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass give me a real boost – mentally and on the page. (I’m blogging my way through the Fire in Fiction at

4. Develop my support system.

My family is an invaluable asset, and I want them to know I appreciate them. That goes double for my friends who have spent time and energy carrying me through puddles of insecurity and oceans of doubt.

5. Read for enjoyment each day. Cole, Cussler, Dain, Evanovich, Jeffries, Krentz, and Roberts are a few of the big name fiction authors I’m looking forward to this year.

6. Take care of me!

Staying fit physically, mentally, and emotionally is imperative so I can write and promote to reach my goals. And my recent discovery that I can read while I’m on the treadmill helps me meet two resolutions at one time!

Hey, these resolutions just might apply no matter what genre you prefer to write or read!

Live the adventure!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: