Teamwork For Paranormal Romance Authors

Today I’m launching a new series based on my experiences in traditional and indie publishing. Over the next few Tuesdays, you’ll find posts about writing, publication, and marketing and how it takes a village (or at least a committed team) to get a book to readers these days. 😉

Whenever I get the chance, I encourage people to find what they’re good at, and nurture it. We all have skills and strengths and experience. Learning what those skills and strengths are, using them well, sets us apart from the pack, no matter what we do.

“What are you writing when the words flow effortlessly? Go write that!” It was the question (and advice) posed to me at the very beginning of my fiction writing adventure. And it’s made all the difference as I’ve developed my craft into a career.

That one phrase from a wise published author set me free to follow the darkness lurking inside my imagination, resulting in my first sale: a paranormal romance novel. That sale led to the Shadows of Justice series. (Book 5, Shadows to Light, is now available).

Which brings me to my first point of teamwork for writers of paranormal romance novels or any genre: you need support from other writers.

You can’t write in a vacuum (though some days I’m inclined to try). That’s as true as the statement “You can’t edit a blank page”. While I have no intention (nor the ability) to follow Hemingway’s example of living out the story I want to write, writers need support to learn their craft.

Passion is inherent, and talent doesn’t hurt, but when it comes to writing for an audience you need to match consistent, persistent effort with education.

While the publishing industry is a fluid concept these days, what readers crave – a great read – will never change.

So to start building the team that will help you hone your writing craft as craft is the one thing you have the most control over and the one thing that makes readers return for another great read.

A writing class is good start and a writer’s group with people of various levels of expertise is invaluable.

I’ll forever treasure the authors and industry professionals I met at my local writer groups as well as at regional and national conferences who shared their knowledge and encouragement in equal measure.

Through those groups I made lifelong friends, found critique partners, met agents and editors, and learned everything from industry to formatting from the speakers at classes and retreats.

Most of all, those writing groups helped me identify my particular strengths and weaknesses and made me aware that while writing is an individual sport, I wasn’t alone with my doubts, insecurities or triumphs.

You can find writing groups online, through your local bookstore, or even through your local schools.

Live the adventure!
Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: