Where Is The Romance In That Paranormal Novel?

I love to read! For as long as I can remember I’ve loved genres from fantasy to nonfiction. I go through phases like any reader, but paranormal romance novels have been a staple on my keeper shelf.

Unless there’s no romantic element in a book touted as paranormal romance. Then I get a little grumpy…until I remember that leaves room for the next great novel in the to-be-read pile.

But I digress.

I’m a firm believer in romance – as a genre and as an important real life factor. If someone sells me a novel, claiming it’s paranormal romance, I want to see, feel, and enjoy the element of romance in that novel.

Of course, as an author, I understand how some novels cross over several genres. I think that’s a good thing, and it’s often particularly true for paranormal romance writers (like me!)

And every writer has a unique view of how to balance the scale between those two elements in their paranormal romance novel. Each story will need different degrees of paranormal adventure and romance.

The element of romance is different from merely the element of physical attraction and personal conflict.

Sure conflict drives the plot and pushes the characters apart and/or together, but when I share a story I loved with another reader, I’m usually focused on the relationship element of a paranormal romance novel.

The creatures and excitement are extremely important, but when I’m reading romance, I’m reading to escape, to get my fix of adventure amid another routine day of school, work, house- and zoo-keeping.

So, for me and my keeper shelf, the romance has to be a significant element of a paranormal romance novel. There are so many authors who’ve delivered delightful stories with varying elements within their paranormal romance novels.

My keeper shelf features books by Nora Roberts, Karen Hawkins, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Lori Handeland, Kresley Cole, and Jayne Ann Krentz (aliases included) just to name a few. All of them write books with strong romantic elements sizzling within action packed paranormal novels.

Live the adventure!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks