Where’s the Romance In That Paranormal Novel?

It takes  more than one element of a paranormal romance novel to make it a complete, satisfying read for those who love the genre.

A book about vampires – no matter what the age, issues, or plot line can fall into myriad categories that may or may not be romantic. For horror, sci-fi, or urban fantasy readers that can be just fine.

But for paranormal romance writers – and readers – the romance is a key element of a paranormal romance novel.

So when stakes are high (vampire pun intended) how does the threat of a broken heart make it more substantial for fans of paranormal romance novels?

No, I’m not just talking about the physical elements of a paranormal romance novel. Not just physical intimacy, but real, all emotions engaged romance. Love and the happily ever after element is what takes a novel from any other sub-genre of paranormal to paranormal romance.

Personally, I love to see romantic elements in my paranormal romance novel – and in most everything else I read. The emotional impact is just as vital to me as a vivid plot line.

I think love and happily ever afters are important elements that depict hope and promise – no matter the genre.

Alternately, I’m disappointed when I pick up a paranormal novel and the romantic elements aren’t there. Or they aren’t quite there. I’m a sucker for a love story – clearly I’m not ashamed to admit it.

It’s just one reason why I love writing in the paranormal romance genre.

And while the shadowy, mythical dangers, fight scenes, super talents and other extreme elements (both light and dark) make that paranormal novel a good book, it’s the romantic element of a paranormal novel that puts it on my keeper shelf.

No matter what types of creatures, or souped-up humans populate the story, I like to see they’ve got a heart and that that heart has a soul mate. For me, as a reader and paranormal romance writer, the romance is a key element of the paranormal romance novel!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks

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