Who Will You Call?

Readers and blog hoppers take note: There is still time to hop along and rack up entries for the Naughty After Dark blog hop event. Just click here for full details on the prizes I’m offering (jewelry and ebooks!) and be sure to visit the blog organizers Natasha Blackthorne and Nikki of Close Encounters with the Night Kind for the full list of participating blogs!

Also, there’s still time to enjoy all the First Kiss event fun happening at Close Encounters with the Night Kind! The Matchmaker’s Mark is just one of the books and giveaways featured!

Now, on to new business:

After my recent series of blog posts on teamwork as it applies to writing, creating, and marketing a paranormal romance novel (or any book really), it seemed fitting to me to follow up with the question: “Who will you call?”

I often find the Ghostbusters theme is running through my head – and not just because it’s the ring tone I assigned to my husband. It’s there because whenever I’m dealing with good news or bad, I ask myself who can I call?

Writing is a relatively individual sport – aside from who we meet in research and who assists us on the way to developing a quality book. The writing itself can be pretty lonely some days (Internet distractions, aside).

Most of the time I want to share news with my husband first, but face it, some news needs to go through a girlfriend first. Then there’s the notion of publishing news… Some of my best friends are authors, but not all of them and the writing process or publishing news often can’t be appreciated fully by someone not in the business.

Which is a godsend when this paranormal romance author needs some perspective! Because sometimes as authors we get so lost in the forest of the industry, we forget the simple joy of the writing and our ultimate purpose of entertaining a reader.

So after all that about teamwork – do you have people on your team you can call on?

Who’s voice do you want or need to hear when you’re fighting the words or a pesky plot line? Who do you call when you want to celebrate a new discovery – on the web or in the story? Who do you think of when you’re ready to happy dance over a great review? And who will be there with the tissues, chocolate, or the (proverbial) ax when you get a rejection?

I’ve been blessed with wonderful people at every stage on my journey as a paranormal romance writer. Some I can call on still, some were people put in my path for just that moment. All of them matter.

Take a moment to let the people on your team know they matter to you!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks