1 – Bookbub is an incredible resource for readers. You can sign up and choose which book genres you want to hear about and how often and get that information directly in your inbox! You can also keep a library of books you own, connect with other readers, and follow your favorite authors. Bookbub’s recommendations, sale alerts, and new release alerts make it one of favorite places as a reader and an author.

2 – If you read books on a kindle or in a kindle app, Amazon’s support for readers is pretty spot-on. Recommendations are available in the app itself, or on the website where you can shop by genre, or search by titles similar to your last book.

3 – Goodreads is, by their own definition: “the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Our mission is to help people find and share books they love.”
And boy, do they ever do a great job with that! Readers can search by title, author, genre, and more. They can connect with author blogs, track reading goals and progress on specific books, enter big giveaways, leave reviews, and – what really sets Goodreads apart – join groups of like-minded readers.
It’s an incredible site and at first glance it might seem overwhelming. I’d recommend starting with your favorite author or genre, and then go exploring. Also, you might set a timer so you don’t get lost forever (though there are worse places to lose yourself than in a great book site).

4 – Bargain Booksy – When you subscribe to a Bargain Booksy newsletter, you’ll receive a daily email alert with deals on ebooks (in the genres you select) all UNDER $5! Loads of authors like to spread the word to readers through this site and the list is curated, so you won’t be seeing the same books over and over, but fresh suggestions every day.

5 – The Fussy Librarian – is another awesome daily newsletter for readers that hits your email inbox with alerts about free and discounted ebooks with links to Kindle, Nook, and more outlets. I’ve found loads of great new reads through Fussy Librarian and when that email alert comes in, it always makes me smile.

Bonus – and maybe this should’ve been #1 – Visit your local library! Did you love library day at school? Those great vibes are only better now that you’re an adult. Librarians love to help readers find books that make them want to come back again and again.
All of my Harlequin titles are available to your local library. And if your favorite author’s titles aren’t on your local library shelf, just ask the library if they can order it. You’ll be amazed at how wonderful library visits can be.
Live the adventure!