What is Regan #Reading June 28

heart pagesBaby Steps by Caren Crane!

After a week of two intense edits – one non-fiction and one fiction title, I’ve sort of drifted through a fog of old favorites. Not even complete reads, I’ve been paging through scenes and passages, touching base with characters I consider good friends by now.

Then I heard that Baby Steps is out. Written by Caren Crane (my dear friend and critique partner) Baby Steps takes the reader back to Cross Springs, a fictional town populated with marvelous, dynamic characters.I can’t wait to treat myself to this read over the weekend.

From the back cover:

Connie Burns knew one thing for sure: she never wanted kids. After 15 years of marriage, though, lots of things have changed. Her best friend moved out of state, remarried and is having a new baby. Connie is also dealing with the realities of life with lupus. All the changes make her rethink having a baby, but her husband and her doctor are against it.

Both encourage her to test the waters by being a foster parent first to see how it goes, since stress is the worst thing for her lupus. Not only is Connie a typical “type A” personality, but she has a high-powered career, a bedroom-sized closet full of shoes, a penchant for perfection and a compact sports car. Though she’s not exactly primed for motherhood, she agrees they should foster to boost her chances at motherhood.

When four-year-old Desi is placed with them Connie’s life turns upside down and her heart is quickly lost. But parenting isn’t for sissies and this little girl comes with more baggage than most: Desi’s mother is in hospice dying of cancer. Not only does Connie face traumas like hosting a birthday party for a 5-year-old, she also has to learn on the fly how to help Desi deal with a new school, a new family and the devastating death of her mother.

As they take Baby Steps toward building a life together, Connie has to learn that life is messy, shoes aren’t mission critical, and an imperfect life can be full of perfectly wonderful surprises.

Sounds fantastic, doesn’t it? Trust me, this book will find a place of honor on your keeper shelf so pick up your copy today – and tell a friend too.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

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Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks