What Is Regan Reading June 7

heart pagesWow! It’s already June! And this week it feels like I’ve spent more time re-reading than doing any new reading. We’ve had family coming and going. Brilliant Son and Daughter have moved back in for a week or two before they head off to summer jobs. My wonderful mother-in-law visited and my future son-in-law spent a couple of days as well.

For me, re-reading favorite novels before I drift off to sleep is like having a warm chocolate cookie at bedtime. (without the crumbs) But I’ve also been re-reading my current manuscript – which I love and can’t wait to share with readers! (Keep a lookout for your monthly Join the Adventure newsletter for release information.)
With the future son-in-law visiting, all the new reading (and research) I seem to be doing centers around the wedding plans. Anchored with The Wedding Book by Mindy Weiss and Lisbeth Levine. It is (according to reviews) the go-to book for wedding planning and the next best thing to having Weiss, a celebrity wedding planner, in your corner.

Well, the reviews didn’t lie. We have over two years to go (the happy couple hasn’t set a hard date yet) which makes it all the more fun to just open the book and read a bit about whatever topic is on the page.

Right now, the book hangs out on the kitchen table and we all poke at it or flip through at our leisure and it’s getting everyone in our family thinking about different ideas and options.

Weiss and Levine deliver solid information with a witty voice and candid tips that leave us smiling and laughing or doing the “Ohhh, didn’t think of that one.” face.

Overall, it’s already taking some of the pressure off of me and it’s making the planning process a lot less overwhelming. It’s fun watching my daughter and her future husband figure out what they like, don’t like, and what’s most important on their special day.

Whenever that special day comes.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

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Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. John Kurtze

    As I need to read 8 to 10 hours a day the search for new books and new authors to read. I just didn’t connect the dots that you have a great series. I am an avid supporter of Lt Eve Dallas and have all of J.D Robb’s IN DEATH series. I even beta read a couple of manuscripts last year.

    I look forward to THE SHADOW OF JUSTICE SERIES.

    Ir wasn’t until you posted Back Up Plan that Debra shared she and your wrote together and that your books were something I should read. She was right. Thanks for a new series to follow;

    1. Reagan Black

      Thanks so much for stopping by, John. 🙂 I hope you’ll enjoy SHADOWS OF JUSTICE as well as the books Deb and I have coming out in November. Happy reading!

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