Featured Read: Spruced Up by Holly Jacobs

Hooray for the Holly-days! (it had to be done – lol) Holly Jacobs is one of my favorite people and she’s such a talented author. Her books are delightful and she recently released this great cozy mystery series starring the delightful maid-turned sleuth, Quincy Mac! In proper reading order, that would be Steamed, Dusted, and now a special holiday novella, Spruced Up.

Just use the rafflecopter form below to enter this week’s giveaway!

Quincy Mac has faced a murder and an art thief. She’s dealt with three teenaged boys on her own. She’s even braved a brand new romance. But nothing she’d done in the past has prepared Quincy for this…

She’s heading home for Christmas! She’s planning a quiet week with her family, but finds herself with another mystery to solve!

Join Quincy as she celebrates with her family and solves a mystery in a way that’s perfect for the Christmas season!

Note from Holly: I’ve heard from a lot of readers how much they enjoyed the ‘reviews’ in the first two Maid in LA Books. My family helped me with the ones for Steamed. My Duet friends showed their comedic roots by helping with reviews for Dusted. Since this is a Christmas novella, I knew just who to go to for ‘reviews’ for Spruced Up!

A few priceless reviews:

“I fell in love with Quincy Mac when I learned she was once almost the spokeswoman for Dazzling Smile toothpaste. I have a fondness for great stories, for toothpaste…and for teeth.” ~Hermey, Dentist to the North Pole

“I’m jolly and happy to see you’re setting this holiday novella in Erie, Pennsylvania. The words Lake Effect Snow are music to my family’s ears–not that snowpeople have ears–and Erie weathermen and women use that term a lot. Oh, and Spruced Up is a fun story, too.” ~Frosty the Snowman

“I’m so glad to see you are finally making use of the typewriter I gave you when you were five. You’ve been so good this year, I think I’ll bring you that Commodore 64 you’ve been asking for, Holly. Love that name.” ~Santa Claus (and thanks to Santa’s friend, Phyllis, for sending this review along!)


Use the rafflecopter form here to enter the giveaway for a kindle copy of Spruced Up by Holly Jacobs!

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Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Aw, Regan, thank you so much!! I’m glad you’re enjoying Quincy and her gang!

    And you know, you’re one of my favorite people, too! Are you going to RWA next summer? I’m planning to be there!


    1. Regan

      I love Quincy and this series, Holly (and not just because you are my favorite ‘stalkee’, LOL)
      As for RWA, I really want to go – two of my best friends live in the area – and knowing you will be there too is an extra motivator, but I will have to wait and see if my back is ready to handle the trip. 🙂

  2. My fingers are crossed!!

    And I’m so glad you’re enjoying Quincy. I’ll confess, I’m having a blast with her!

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