First of all, many many thanks to my newsletter subscribers who voted on what to feature and various names for this special scene. Y’all were amazing and I loved crafting this bonus scene for you.
Island Holiday Bonus Scene
Sonya and Connor walked toward Central Avenue and the Brookwell Island block party slated to last most of the day. They’d taken an early sunrise stroll on the beach and were in search of coffee and fresh-baked pastries to fuel up for a big day of socializing.
Overhead the sun was climbing into a clear sky. Although the breeze on her face was brisk this morning, Sonya could already feel the temperature rising. These winter days at the Carolina coast were a marvelous blend of bright sunshine and moderate temperatures. And the lack of humidity was a pure delight.
Their room at the Inn was still decked out for Christmas, lovely as ever. Although they’d been prepared to relocate, they’d been delighted when the staff was able to accommodate a longer stay.
Holding hands with her fiancé, the day felt like a little slice of heaven. She’d heard Harper wax poetic about all the perks of life down here, but this was the first time she felt it. Felt like she was a part of it. As if this was exactly where she needed to be.
It was strange and wonderful and she hoped the feeling would last.
A small part of her kept anticipating her old patterns to return with a vengeance. Too many days in one place usually left her antsy and she’d get that usual twist in her gut, urging her to get back on the road. New places might as well be her middle name. She loved the energy of fresh surroundings and new landscapes and views settled her the same way familiarity settled others.
With Connor, that wasn’t the case at all. Her wanderlust seemed to have faded away. Or been subdued by complete and total happiness with her life.
“Hannah and Harper warned me love would change my outlook,” she murmured.
“Love, huh?” He smirked.
She turned into him and gave him a quick kiss. “You heard me.”
“Keep saying things like that and I’ll want to elope.”
She chuckled. Their wedding was likely to be small enough it would feel like running off, thanks to their combined lack of family. “Our friends won’t stand for that,” she reminded him.
Harper and Hannah were thrilled for her—for them. Over their annual Girl Christmas get together, her friends were so excited about the possibilities they threatened to make it the biggest small wedding in history.
Instead of being mortified, Sonya was actually excited. All because of Connor. He was her own personal miracle. “The girls said they’d all meet us here.” Seth, Hannah’s husband, would be here too today. As they neared the block party, she wondered how they’d all find each other.
“We’ll find them,” Connor said, reading her as well as he always did.
“If you say so.” To Sonya’s eye, every person in town had come out for the event, and plenty of tourists were joining in.
The police had barricaded two blocks of Central, the main street through town, diverting traffic to the side streets. Every storefront along the route spilled out onto the sidewalk, with displays, special deals, samples, and treats.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked, guiding her around a family of tourists gathered near the candy store window.
“Mainly that I would’ve avoided this kind of event like the plague a few months ago.” She leaned into him. “You make the impossible, manageable,” she confessed.
“I’m glad.” He curled his arm around her, his fingers warm at the dip of her waist. “You make every day feel like a block party for me.”
She laughed. “You say the sweetest things.”
People milled everywhere and the scents wafting on the air made Connor’s stomach growl.
“First stop is food,” Sonya declared. “The Bread Basket is sure to have some options.”
“Better hurry before their famous strudel is sold out,” a woman said with a big smile. She wore a long-sleeved polo shirt with a Brookwell Bugle logo on the chest and a name badge. Her golden hair was piled up high in a messy bun and she wore a camera bag, the strap crossing her body. Her jeans were faded and her flip flops sported sparkling snowflakes. “I’m Holly Brooks.” She tapped the logo on her shirt. “One of the locals, obviously.”
“Not the only one!” A man jogged up to join her. “Ms. Trumble agreed to an interview and another special commission for our next silent auction.”
“No way!” Holly lifted her hand to give him a high five. “Pardon our excitement. Sharon Trumble is a legend around here. She’ll be at the gallery in a little bit, revealing a new painting. You won’t want to miss it.”
The taller man stuck out his hand. “Vince Goodridge. And this is Holly Brooks.”
Holly rolled her eyes. “I introduced myself.” Then she smiled at Connor and Sonya once more, her blue eyes sparkling. “I’ve seen you two around quite a bit lately.”
“Sonya and Connor,” Sonya replied. “He’s addicted to the strudel,” she added.
“Aren’t we all?” Vince grinned. “Have a great time today.”
“Do you mind if we use any pictures you might show up in?”
“No,” Connor replied, giving her a squeeze. “That’s fine.”
It took her a minute to realize it really was fine. There was no more reason to hide.
“Awesome.” Holly reached into her camera bag, pulling out a small tablet. “Just sign here. Standard waiver.”
Chuckling, Connor and Sonya signed and then moved deeper into the growing crowd, heading straight for the bakery they’d visited daily during their stay.
Connie and Lila recognized them and to Sonya’s shock, Connie handed them a bag with their names on it. “We set this aside for you,” the older woman explained.
Sonya eagerly accepted the pastry. “Thank you so much!”
“Connor!” Lila, Connie’s granddaughter caught his attention. “I’m so glad you’re joining the fun this morning. Travis is looking for you. The guys are hoping to get a fishing trip in.”
“Count me in,” Connor said.
Lila beamed. “We’ll find something better to keep ourselves occupied,” she said to Sonya.
With a laugh, they moved toward the coffee cart and then found a spot to enjoy breakfast.
Harper and her brother Rhett found them first and the four of them took their time enjoying the day. The Ellington siblings did an admirable job keeping the conversation away from the business of resorts and hotels, except for a quick pitch on the potential wedding venues they could offer.
“I was thinking we might ask about the wedding package at the Inn,” Sonya said. She’d been hoping that only Harper would hear, but Rhett caught the comment.
“Seriously?” He looked at her as if she’d kicked a puppy. “You want to have your wedding outside of the family?”
Harper elbowed him. “It’s her wedding, you jerk.”
Rhett scowled and Connor interjected, “It’s good to have options. I think whatever we do, it needs to be in this area.”
“Brookwell?” Rhett queried.
“The Lowcountry,” Connor clarified diplomatically. “It makes Sonya shine.”
Harper gave her an assessing look. “That’s an accurate assessment.”
Sonya gaped at him, halting her search for Hannah and Seth. “You’re both right,” she admitted. “Why is that?”
She’d been trying to sort it out for herself. Something about Brookwell made everybody feel familiar. People smiled and chatted freely, even with strangers. Although statistically impossible, it seemed as though everyone here had the potential to be a good friend.
She’d blamed that new feeling on the nearby ocean and the ever-present lull of a breeze through the marsh grasses. It was as if the air itself boosted her mood like nothing else.
Except Connor.
He had changed everything in her world, making it brighter and full of possibilities.
Harper and Rhett were momentarily distracted by Trina, the Inn manager, who’d stopped to greet them. “I’ve been to a lot of beautiful places though,” Sonya said. “What is it about this island that resonates with me?”
Typical Connor, he gave that some thought. She was coming to appreciate that he unashamedly processed those things that needed to be considered. Somehow it anchored her and gave her more confidence in their newfound relationship.
And in herself.
“I think it’s more about coastal Carolina in general.” Connor squeezed her hand. “Besides, isn’t this the closest thing you’ve had to a home?”
“That’s true,” she allowed.
Her official address was the Ellington resort, which was only a short drive and a few bridges away. It was still very much the coastal Carolina vibe and yet the two towns were quite different. Both lovely, both offered plenty of options to relax and kick back—just in different ways.
The resort would always be special and yes, it would always feel like home. But the Inn and spending time here with Connor was truly transformative.
A few weeks ago she would have focused solely on the external factors, chalking up her happiness to perfect weather. Friendly people. Good food. And been convinced it wouldn’t last.
But now, with Connor, she knew it was much more. He helped her understand parts of herself that she’d closed off in order to survive hard times. And falling in love with him, being loved by him, changed her for the better. A little more each day.
“I don’t think it has as much to do with geography,” she decided. “All these feelings are your fault.”
Suddenly Harper extracted herself from the chat with Trina and pointed across the street. “Hannah and Seth are here.” She dragged Sonya off with her to meet their friend, leaving Connor in the dust.
Hannah looked amazingly happy, as always. And when Connor joined them, she gave him a big hug.
“Are you planning on doing this in the office too?” he teased.
“Maybe. You’ll be my brother soon enough.”
The day rolled on with good conversation and amazing food, a few games and contests sponsored by various shops, and even some dancing to the band playing at the gazebo in the center of town.
“Jess is at the gallery with Nash.” Connor nodded in that direction. “Want to head over?”
“Yes, definitely. I can’t believe we haven’t met him yet,” Sonya agreed.
Sonya didn’t need an introduction. Body language alone would have told her the man next to Jess was her husband. Connor had done the research, of course, sharing the pictures Jess and Nash had sent to the Guardian Agency after their wedding with Sonya so she’d know the faces.
And now she found herself standing in the midst of the group, completely included. These people fit in ways she never thought she’d find outside of Harper and Hannah.
“Oh!” Jess exclaimed as another couple joined them. The family resemblance between the woman and Nash was obvious. Sonya assumed this was his sister, Nina, owner of the flower shop across the street.
“Hand her over,” Jess demanded, reaching for the baby in the man’s arms.
Nina laughed. “Hey,” she said to Sonya. “I’m Nina, Nash’s sister and—”
“My incredible wife,” the man interjected. “Boone.” His hands free, he reached out to greet Connor and Sonya. “The little one is Addison.”
“Almost four months old,” Nina said. “And if you ask one question, we’ll inundate you with baby stories.” She smiled. “We won’t even notice when your eyes glaze over.”
“Spill,” Sonya said. “I can take it.”
She happily listened while Nina and Boone related the morning’s baby successes, including rolling over and a fit of giggles. All the while, she admired the baby’s silky dark hair, sleepy eyes, and the adorable outfit with a dancing pineapple print.
Conversation ebbed and flowed around them and Sonya knew today would be forever etched in her memory as one filled with miracles of friendship. She could practically feel her family of choice growing by the hour.
Beside her, Connor gave a start. Glancing over, she saw the subtle smile on his handsome face. Whatever caught his attention wasn’t bad. She might not be good at reading others but she could read him and that’s what really mattered.
“What is it?” she asked under her breath.
He turned, leaning close so he wouldn’t be overheard either. “I think we’ll know in a couple months when Jess and Nash make an announcement. I won’t steal their thunder.”
Sonya studied the couple as closely as she dared and soon realized what he meant. Jess was holding the baby and the look on her face was pure, sweet anticipation.
Even more powerful was the look she exchanged with Nash.
Oh, yeah. The Billings family was definitely growing.
Addison, and the rest of her generation to come, were surely the luckiest kids on the planet. To grow up here, surrounded by love and care.
Sonya loved being a part of the day, and having Connor close to let her in on the secret too.
“There will be more days like this one,” he promised, his voice low.
And she could see it—somewhere in the future—a day when her friends would be holding their baby and celebrating the simple joys of life and love with a family who truly cared for one another.
Happy holidays from my home to yours!

Stay tuned to the newsletter for all the updates on Brookwell Island!
Curious about Sonya, Connor, and their romantic adventure in Island Holiday?
She’s determined to save the holidays… He won’t let her face the danger alone.
Sonya Inman knows what it is to be hunted.
Despite always being on the move, she does her part to see justice served with the Guardian Agency. When she uncovers a scheme exploiting college students, she intervenes immediately.
Connor Brady knows what it is to be falsely accused.
Rescued from federal prison by the Guardian Agency, Connor works tirelessly with their investigations and operations. Teamed up with Sonya, he discovers three students weren’t only used..they’re missing.
Worse? All his intel indicates Sonya is now a target.
With Christmas only days away, Connor and Sonya are determined to reunite three families for the holidays. And with some trust and belief, they might find another Christmas miracle–in each other.
If you like romantic suspense spiced with action, secrets, friends-to-lovers magic, and a sparkle of Christmas joy, you’ll love Island Holiday.