Reading Romances 2012 May Results

As May winds down, I can’t help but think time flies…whether you’re having fun or not. So you may as well enjoy the journey, right? We’ve been ridiculously busy as yet another school year wraps up, but you know I always make time to read. 🙂

Here’s a quick review of the Reading Romances May challenge: TOPICS: 1) Read a futuristic or sci-fi romance. THEMES:  2) Read a book by a favorite author or from a favorite genre. 3) Read a book by recommended by a friend. SPECIAL EVENTS: 4) Memorial Day: Read book whose author is now deceased. 5) Mother’s Day: Read a book where the heroine is a mother, the hero or the heroine spends the book searching for or trying to get to their mother.


The last half of May got a little crazy and while I’d hoped to get more writing in, between the logistics required by the family and my own health issues, I got more reading done. Not a bad thing, especially considering the entertaining treat of such great books and adventures.

Witch Dance by Peggy Webb was my first choice for the May challenge. It was a dramatic read packed with such depth and so many layers of family and cultural expectations, the healing power of love, as well as heart-pounding suspense. Suspense fans looking for a dynamic, timeless love will want to pick up this title right away.

I also re-read another Jayne Castle book, the Midnight Crystal which is an Arcane Society novel set in Castle’s futuristic world of Harmony. Entertaining and fast paced, there were details I’d forgotten that made this second time through as much fun as the first. Castle’s characters are well developed and the challenges they must overcome drew me in and held me captive.

Debra Webb is a favorite author of mine and as I strive to get current with her Colby Agency series I read Broken while I was on the road this past week. I’ve had the book for awhile and hate to admit that it took me this long to just sit down and enjoy it, but once I opened it, I was the beneficiary of yet another fabulous adventure from this talented and prolific author.

And there are a couple ‘mother’ angles in the new Inn Boonsboro series of contemporary romances from Nora Roberts. Justine is delightful mother to the three heroes in this series, and book one, The Next Always features Clare, a widowed mother of three young sons. Book Two, The Last Boyfriend, hero Owen has a comical shock discovering his mom is a woman and Avery, the heroine, has to deal with the issues that resulted from being abandoned by her mom.

If you haven’t joined the Reading Romances 2012 Challenge, what are you waiting for? We have a great time sharing great reads each month so come join the fun.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more:

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nat

    I’m glad you had lots of time to read, even under the circumstances =/
    I hope you continue to participate in the challenge!

    Nice job!

  2. Regan

    Thanks, Nat. I’m definitely committed to the rest of the challenge – I absolutely LOVE it!

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