Winter Wonderland Is Going Strong

No, I’m not just talking about the latest weather. The Night Owl Reviews Winter Wonderland Scavenger Hunt is all about authors giving back to our fabulous readers like you!

“A book, too, can be a star, a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe.” — Madeleine L’Engle

That’s one of my favorite reading quotes because I lived it as a youngster, reading at every opportunity. I strive as an author to give readers that same “lighten the darkness” feeling with every story and novel. Even when I’m writing the dark and edgy worlds of Unknown Identities or Shadows of Justice, it’s for the purpose of providing an entertaining escape from reality.

Who couldn’t use an escape once in a while? Or a hot hero? Or even a happy ending? 🙂

Since venturing out as a published author, looking for ways to connect with readers, events like the Winter Wonderland currently running at Night Owl Reviews make the journey so much more fun.

Head on over and dive right in! There are fabulous prizes from gift cards to author-created gift baskets and entering gives you the chance to discover more great books! I’m thrilled to be giving away a kindle paperwhite and a signed copy of Bulletproof! Good luck!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


P.S. Don’t miss these other prizes for readers up for grabs this holiday season – perfect for gifting to yourself or a friend!

Give Me Books! – Over 200 prizes in the Tribute to Men in Uniform event!

Fresh Fiction – So many contests this time of year. The normal December contests plus holiday specific contests!

And every Saturday there is a new book feature and giveaway right here at!


Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: