Celebrating the Reading Romances Blogiversary

Hooray! It’s finally here, the special blogiversary hop for the wonderful Reading Romances website! When the blog hop link posted, I jumped on it because I’ve had so much fun with the Small Blogs Big Giveaway events as well as the 2012 Reading Romances challenges. (I know, we’re not quite through March yet, but it’s a great group of readers who love romance novels).

To help celebrate, I’m giving away ebooks and a bit of swag (open INT and entry details are below), but first, as usual and in the spirit of a fabulous pre-party, there’s a cool angle for this blog hop:

What drink would I recommend you enjoy with one of my romance novels?

Hmmm… at first glance, my answer might seem obvious. In the Shadows of Justice novels, caffeine and ‘real’ coffee is considered contraband by regulation-happy government. So if you’re reading any of the five Shadows of Justice novels, I’d suggest you treat yourself to a coffee, however you like it best whether that’s an iced mocha or straight black. Now, if you’re in the mood for something stronger while you’re reading these adventures, I’d go recommend a good margarita. (on the rocks of course)

As you might have guessed,The Matchmaker’s Mark is a bit different, as it’s a paranormal romance novel set in contemporary Charleston, SC (one of my favorite cities).  With that story and it’s much lighter tone, tea (preferably grown in Charleston) would be a perfect pairing. In the mood to indulge your escape reading, then pair this book with a Pinot Grigio – or pop the cork on a bottle of Champagne!

To enter for the two prizes available here just use the rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


And be sure to make Reading-Romances.com a frequent stop on your internet adventures and now:

Hop and enter the other giveaways!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks

This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. Nikki

    It really depends on the book…some need a slow sipping glass of wine, or champagne, and some need a beer!! Great giveaway as always Regan!!!

    1. Regan

      That’s the truth, Nikki. Which is one reason I found this blog hop angle so much fun. In the upcoming Matchmaker’s Curse I made Blue Moon Pale Ale a fave beer of one of the characters.

  2. Michelle Bledsoe

    In the Spring & Summer, a nice cold glass of sweet tea helps cool off the heat of the books…LOL
    In the Fall & Winter, a cup of hot chocolate or a cup of spiced tea helps keep me as warm as the books. 🙂

    Thanks for the contest.

    1. Regan

      Great answer, Michelle! 😉 Thanks for hopping this way!

  3. Renee B

    Blog Hopping! Woohoo!

    What a great way to discover new authors/blogs and visit with old friends. Everybody wins this way! LOL
    My favorite thing to drink while reading a HOT romance is Iced Tea and Amaretto. Yum!
    Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win such a fantastic prize!


    1. Regan

      That sounds delightful, Renee. I’ll have to try that one.

  4. Tammy

    I don’t really drink when I am reading. I’ll have to try that


  5. Filia Oktarina

    I don’t drink when read book. But i always drink hot coffe with cream.
    Thanks for contest and chane for win.

  6. Tamsyn

    I would recommend Umeshu on the rocks! It is a fab drink to go with a book. Although I do like coffee too.

  7. Anne

    An icy cold diet coke.

  8. Lauren

    I love something hot when I read, whether it be coffee or tea. different variations of those work as well.

  9. Tabathia B

    mt dew
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  10. I love a good cup of steaming hot tea to go with a steamy book!

    Thank you for this giveaway!

  11. Sherry S.

    I either drink a strong cup of coffee or a cup of hot tea.

  12. Mel Bourn

    Depends on when I am reading. In the morning I love to sit with a hot cup of coffee. If it is later at night maybe some Irish Creme or Malibu and coke. I like to mix it up a bit
    bournmelissa AT hotmail DOT com

  13. I prefer flavored coffee in the morning – iced tea on a summer afternoon and hot choc or hot tea in the evening.

    kherbrand at comcast dot net

  14. donnas

    Really depends on the book. But you will usually find me with a diet coke or water unless its a special occasion or night out.

  15. Maegan Morin

    To be honest I’m good with a Pepsi. But from time to time I’ll have a nice cup of tea.

  16. Tracey D

    I like to drink a glass of wine while reading. Now if it’s cold or rainy, I would like to drink coffee with a shot Kaluha!

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 at gmail dot com

  17. It always depends on the weather. Tonight it’s going to be white wine because that’s what I opened before temps dropped again. But hot tea is always a favorite.

  18. wanda flanagan

    nice tall glass of sweet ice tea

  19. bn100

    Hot tea

  20. Tina B

    Great HOP! I prefer coffee with my books. I would say wine, but it tends to make me tired while reading, and coffee gives me the boost I need to stay awake! Thank you for offering your stories to read. They sound very interesting.

    1. Regan

      I’m a huge coffee fan, in case there was ever any doubt. 😉

  21. Shadow

    I dont like alcohol but i love sweet tea. Im always drinking it. 🙂 Thank you!

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