Welcome to the Fall In Love All Over Again Blog Hop!

fall in love giveaway hop

The Fall In Love Giveaway hop was organized by Reading Romances!

It’s always fun to be a part of a Reading Romances event.

The holidays are a terrific time of year to gather with family and friends, to remember what matters most and maybe even discover (or rediscover) love.  

What you can win here: An ebook edition of Tracking Shadows by Regan Black

When your past becomes your future you’ll find yourself Tracking Shadows:

In Chicago, Slick Micky is the king of smuggling. Known to deliver anything, anytime, anywhere, he specializes in caffeine and sugar and works in the anonymity of shadows. But recently an old enemy is tired of waiting for Micky’s empire to crumble and has called in the best assassin in the business to take him out.

Trina Durham is an assassin with a sterling reputation, thanks to her unique ability to induce deadly hallucinations. When Slick Micky killed her best friend, she left Chicago – forever. She’s back now, unable to resist the perfect opportunity for vengeance. But no one warned her Slick Micky might as well be a shadow. Or that shedding light on the man and his secrets would put both her heart and reputation at risk.

Number of winners: 3 

Open to (INT)

How to enter: Just use the rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to visit all the blogs on the Fall in Love All Over Again blog hop.

Hop and find more prizes!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks

This Post Has 25 Comments

    1. Regan

      Thanks for being here, Laurynne! I’ll be hopping your way in just a bit. 😉

  1. Dawna Newman

    My favorite holiday treat is fudge and buckeyes. My favorite book is Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

    Rafflecopter Name: Dawna Newman

    1. Regan

      Hi, Dawna! My mom used to make buckeyes, but I haven’t done them in years. They are soooo good. 😉 As is Acheron – some of Sherrilyn’s best work (I’m a big Dark Hunter fan). 😉

  2. wanda flanagan

    European chocolates are my fave .I have a client who brings some to work for my staff at Christmas soo yummy.

    1. Regan

      That sounds like the perfect client to have. Yum!

  3. Renee B

    Red Velvet cupcakes are my favorite holiday treat. Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.

    1. Regan

      I love Red Velvet. Even picked up a red velvet flavored coffee this season – and it’s wonderful!

  4. Catherine

    My favorite holiday treat is dark chocolate covered pretzels.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

    1. Regan

      Oh, those are yummy, Catherine!

  5. Filia Oktarina

    My favorite holiday treat is a good book and laze in my bed 🙂
    Thanks for giveaway.

    1. Regan

      Me too! One of the things I most look forward to this time of year. 🙂

  6. JanD

    My favorite holiday treat is pumpkin cheesecake.
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

  7. Eva

    Puppy chow!


  8. Angie Adair

    I love the parties and food, LOL Christmas is my favorite time of the year. It’s always fun to get together with friends and family and enjoy good food and laughs. Thanks for the hop…Have a great Holiday, Angie angadair(at)nwcable(dot)net

  9. My favorite holiday treat has got to be all of the desserts and sweets. Give me a slice of pie, a cup of coffee, and my kindle & I’m a very happy woman 🙂 Thanks so much for the giveaway!!!

  10. My hoilday treat is Turkey i just love it with cranberry sauce and i love turkey sandwiches 🙂

  11. donnas

    Pecan pie, I only get it at Thanksgiving

  12. Sherry S.

    My favorite holiday treat is pumpkin pie.

  13. bn100

    chocolate chip cookies

  14. Melissa C

    My favorite holiday treat is getting to spend extra time with my husband because he is off work.

    Thank you for having this giveaway. =)


  15. Judy-Ree

    My grandmother always made homemade Fruitcake. It remains my favorite Christmas treat. Now my mom continues the tradition. Soon, I know it will be my turn to make this and pass on the lovely tradition.

  16. Lona Stringer

    Eggnog, love it. Thx for the hop stop.

    blinkysthebest at aol dot com

  17. Kathryn Anne Merkel

    Hands down it has to be any desert with pumpkin. Can’t get enough of the orange stuff.

    drainbamaged.gyzmo at gmail.com

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