Burns offers Fresh Elements of a Paranormal Romance Novel

Continuing with Assassin’s Honor by Monica Burns this week…

I want to address the elements of paranormal romance Burn’s chose for this delightful new series. I’m a sucker for the mental ‘super powers’ and Burn’s characters have them in spades!

Telekinesis – warriors in the Sicari order use telekinesis in addition to amazing sword skills and other classic weaponry. Turns out telekinesis is a handy skill to have away from battle as well – as Burns’s hero Ares uses his gift during some fabulously hot and sensual scenes.

Telepathy – Emma, Burns’ telepathic heroine can see the history of objects she touches. This has proved useful in her archaeology career, though she tries to avoid it because (as I mentioned Tuesday) – the world Burns built for these paranormal romance novels isn’t an easy one and every action has serious ramifications and consequences.

It turns out the telepathic element of paranormal romance compounds the conflict as the enemy is telepathic too and therefore telepathy is not in vogue in the Sicari world.

Trust – okay this isn’t technically a paranormal power (unless you have issues, and don’t we all?) but it’s an inherent element in this paranormal romance novel. The way Burns weaves this basic ‘need’ in and out of the emotional and physical journey is superb!

Don’t believe me! Check out this excerpt!

Live the adventure!


If, like me, you’re a fan, of the more mental elements of paranormal romance novels you won’t be disappointed with Assassin’s Honor! Buy your copy today so you’ll be ready for the next installment, Assassin’s Heart (due in September!)

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks