World Building For Hobbitville FAQ

Here are some answers to questions I’ve received about how Hobbitville came to be a place of magic, mystery and so much fun!

Q: Was there a real Hobbitville?

Yes! When I was in the high school we would often go walking about late at night and one of our favorite stops was an elaborate garden with statues and dark, shadowy alcoves for conversations and silliness. Of course in the real life Hobbitville the statues were not magic portals. At least they didn’t work for us.

Q: Were you in the band?

Yes, I was a band geek! I was on the drum line (snare) and I became a drum major/field conductor. I even got to help plan our shows and formations. Marching band is at the center of many of my happiest high school memories.

Q: Where did the inspiration for the Pixie Chicks come from?

Memories of my friends in high school as well as watching my kids and their friends now. Looking back it always seemed to be a crowd of us hanging out and getting into stuff. Not trouble precisely, but the stuff of the moment. Friends and good friendships are so important no matter how old you are.

Q: Were you and your friends fans of Tolkien?

Oh, yeah! The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings still top my list of favorite books. Tolkien’s world building was just exquisite and a true inspiration to me now that I’m writing paranormal novels and short stories.

Q: How long have you been thinking up Hobbitville as a setting for your stories?

I’ve wanted to use my fond memories of that garden and good friends for years, and this series is the perfect outlet. I love playing with these characters and seeing where they lead me while I write. Adding the enchanted statuary is a way to make the adventures deeper and more fun. Developing the world of Hobbitville and the depths and rules and even the purpose of jumping from one garden to another has been sheer joy.

Q: Will there be more Hobbitville stories? What about a full length novel with the Pixie Chicks?

Definitely – to both questions. Writing in the Hobbitville world is not something I intend to stop anytime soon. Brie and her friends have a lot going on and a lot they want to accomplish in and around Hobbitville, so I’ll keep putting it all on paper.  I’m currently working on the first full length novel for the Pixie Chicks and will post more details as that project progresses!

Breaking New Ground is FREE on Smashwords through July 31!!! Find your copies of the rest of the Hobbitville saga at OmniLit or Amazon today!

Live the adventure!

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: