Holidays and World Building for Paranormal Romance Novels

When it comes to world building for a paranormal romance novel, there isn’t a better example of the effect of setting and mood than decorating for the holidays. Seriously, what better time for a writer to consider all the little details that transform a place from the everyday to the festive.

The route to my daughter’s boarding school went right through one of those blink and you’ll miss it kind of small towns. A tidy little place with a defined and well kept Main Street, it always made me smile to drive through during the winter. Wreaths on every lamp post, lights on the ornamental trees in the island beds that separated the lanes. Big red ribbons on shop doors, poinsettias of every color in pots along the sidewalks.

Small changes, big effect.

I admire Nora Roberts for her ability to write those big family scenes that just make you feel like you’re right there in the mix, surrounded by friends. Her deft touch, knowing just what to highlight or emphasize adds layers of delight or importance to moments big and small in her novels. As an only child, those scenes sort of mesmerize me.

It’s the same sort of table dressing that creates a world your reader can sink into and savor. Think about the traditions, the changes, the little things you do that your family values and consider those same sort of details for your characters and their stories. Your reader will thank you when the world building for your paranormal romance novel makes them feel included in the action.

Of course, however you might decorate and celebrate, the holiday season is now officially in full swing (no matter that retailers thought so weeks ago). I do hope you’ll consider adding books and ebooks to your shopping list for those you love.There are a variety of ways to give books from independent booksellers to the big box stores, as well as a variety of ways to send ebooks.

Whether through Amazon, B&N, Smashwords or another online retailer, ebooks can be a delightful surprise for the readers you might want to spoil this season.

Which of course brings me to a last bit of housekeeping before December is upon us. I’d like to congratulate the following winners for each of the NYBCelebration blog hop prizes. (Winners have been notified via email provided in their comment).

Prize 1: Jaidis has won the Regan Black Package which includes a Tracking Shadows t-shirt, and one ebook edition of each of my five novels: Justice Incarnate, Invasion of Justice, Veil of Justice, Tracking Shadows and The Matchmaker’s Mark.

Prize 2:  Sheriefa is the winner of the Thriller Package which includes kindle editions of Tracking Shadows by Regan Black, Abducted by T.R. Ragan, and Obsession by Debra Webb.

Prize 3: Congrats to Debbie G.,  winner of the Romance Package including kindle editions of The Matchmaker’s Mark by Regan Black, Deal with the Devil by Diana Duncan, and A Prince for Jennyby Peggy Webb.

Prize 4: Heather is the lucky winner who will receive a paperback edition of Abducted by T.R. Ragan (courtesy of the author)

Prize 5: And Bonnie can look forward to a signed paperback edition of Tracking Shadows by Regan Black!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by my blog and who hopped along with the NYBCelebration to promote global literacy!

Happy reading and live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: