World Building In The Midst Of Change

Anyone from a military family understands the value of change, despite the roller coaster of emotions that go along with it. Some seasons are just naturally busier than others, but you find a way to get through and keep moving on.

While vegging out over a recent NCIS marathon, my daughter and I saw previews for the new Political Animals series starring Sigourney Weaver. I loved the quote from her character (forgive my paraphrasing) when asked how she so calmly dealt with bad news.  “Bad things happen every day… The big moments, the great things are rare, but to get to the next great moment, you have to keep going. I just keep going.”

It’s a fitting quote for those times when we’re in the midst of gale-force changes whipping through our lives.

Maybe knowing the busy-ness is temporary helps, but around here I think it’s maintaining those family bonds and traditions that makes the difference, that makes it easier to keep going until we reach that next great moment.

Moving is a challenge, no matter who you are. Packing up a home and surging forward to unpack at the new house is a big change. Add in the mix of emotions swinging between saying goodbye in one place and looking toward the excitement of the next and you have a situation fraught with frustration.

Even small moves can signal big changes. When our daughter first went away to school, the preceding summer was filled with more than to-do lists and packing. There were outings with friends, going away parties and several tear stained pages in my journal as I worked through the emotions of my child, my baby girl, leaving the nest to start her own great adventure.

But we did things as a family, built in as many wonderful moments and memories in the time available. On move-in day, we sent more than the required supplies for her room. We sent a few small things that made the room feel more like home for her.

Those little details were important to her, reminding her that while we might not be right down the hall anymore, we were still with her in this new endeavor. Posters, a stuffed animal, a digital frame with family pictures, those were the touchstones linking her past to her wide open future.

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: