World Building: The Magic Of Seasons

How is it almost fall? It probably feels like I got dumped into the new season because my summer was so ridiculously busy and awful. But it’s over!!! I’m thrilled to be on the verge of a new season, a fresh start. Besides fall is, hands down, my favorite season.

Whether it’s our family traditions, the scent of crisp apples, chilly nights, or just fond memories of football and marching band, fall is a magical time of year for me.

Each season has a power in it, an energy that infuses my writing and productivity as well as just about everything else in my life.

In the spring and winter I tend to bake and prefer to write short stories, some of which sprout into full novels. In the dog days of summer, I’ll divide my time between reading and writing longer books and I’ll do whatever I can to avoid cooking. Okay, I avoid making dinner as much as possible in any season. 😉

The point is, I’ve learned the changing seasons affect my mood and my mood affects the world building in my personal world as well as my writing worlds. It’s easier for me to write holiday stories close to holiday time, but getting to play with worlds and characters means tapping into the magic of a favorite season during any time of year. It’s just one of the unexpected bonuses of being an author.

World building around seasons can be particularly helpful in adding depth or emotion to the setting or structure that supports a story. Especially when authors can tap into the emotions they experience in a particular season. Like the thrill of fireworks bursting across the dark sky on the Fourth of July or the quiet hush of new snow falling on a long winter’s night.

As a ‘season’ finale, we had a delightfully stormy day that rinsed away summer’s heat and ushered in cooler temperatures and lower humidity – which is a big deal down here in the Lowcountry. Now that fall is closing in here, it gives me a sense of anticipation for my next writing project and upcoming family time.

The greyhounds love fall too, which is always such a joy for me. It’s an inspiration as well, especially for my Matchmaker series as the antics of our three greyhounds show up as the little quirks of Amy’s greyhound, Guinness.

What’s your favorite season? And what are you most looking forward this fall?

Live the adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: