Are you participating in #NaNoWriMo this year? I managed to get myself logged in to the site (with an assist from the NaNo website team) but I have yet to take care of the writer buddy connections or upload any word count progress.
Why? Because I’m under a little deadline pressure and I’ve been spending more time writing rather than figuring out how to connect with friends who are also writing. LOL And I’m keeping up with the occasional updates on other social media sites, so that’s a plus too.
I love the concept of #NaNoWriMo and Baty’s book No Plot? No Problem really helped me accept and fine tune my particular writing process. While writing is often a solitary sport, we all have one top goal in common: put the words on the page.
One reason I use the #JustWriteIt hashtag day in and day out is the same reason #NaNoWriMo exists. It’s to encourage writers to put words on the page before they worry over what happens next. You can have dreams of bestseller status, of seeing your book in libraries and bookstores world-wide, but first you have to get that story out of your head and onto the page.
Writing sprints and write-ins are excellent for developing the #JustWriteIt, write-first mentality that can turn you into a productive, consistent writer. That consistent effort breeds confidence as you finish each project. The big payoff is that you’ll be improving and refining your writing process and learning what you’re good at and what you love to write along the way.
All of that combined equals a positive, healthy writing life.
Write well and live the adventure!