Writer Wednesday #24

This is one of my favorite writing quotes from an author I always adored reading:

From a journal to novels to teaching, you definitely can make anything by writing. You can make peace with your past, you can make dragons come to life and set your dreams soaring. And you can make any challenge you’ve overcome in life easier for someone dealing with a similar issue.

Your writing can inform, inspire, and energize. The words you put on the page can soothe as well as provide entertainment or escape. Whatever you write, from journals to poetry to novels or nonfiction, you can discover insight into yourself as you share your viewpoint with the world.

Every time you make something with your words you also create more possibilities -for yourself and others. Each writing effort becomes another brick in the foundation, something mose solid to build on.

No, writing isn’t easy. There will be tough days and words on the page you didn’t expect to see, or deal with. There will also be rewarding days that stem from being persistent and those amazing days when the words flow effortlessly.

You can smooth out those ups and downs by developing a consistent, daily writing habit. Consistency will build your confidence quickly, simply because you’ll see and feel the reward of pages filled, topics tackled, and a writer’s heart thrilled by the process of writing.

Live the writing adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author


Get a jump start on developing your healthy writing habit with one of Regan’s books on writing

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks