Writer Wednedsday #37

Writing can often feel so lonely as we sit by ourselves in our favorite spot with only our ideas and keyboards (or pen and paper). Solitude is part of writing – only you can put those words on the page – but it makes us susceptible to doubts and second-guessing. To succeed we must learn to trust our intuition with the message and story we have to share.

While many people have probably faced similar challenges in life, not one of them has faced those difficulties exactly like you. Your individual perspective has value and weight and will become part of your authentic voice as you get those ideas onto the page.

“Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do.” -H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Don’t let the odds, industry news, or anything else interfere with your dream. The fact is you already have what you need to reach your dream or it wouldn’t be your dream. Let that sink in, allow it to boost your confidence. Write out the reminder if you need to, do whatever it takes to keep your dream in focus.

Keeping your eyes on your target is what matters more than odds or anything else going on around you. There’s no need to worry about who or what has gone before when you focus on what your purpose and goal is for your writing.

Never be afraid to ask for help. None of us are experts at everything. Just as you want to help, inspire or entertain others, allow others to help you when you need it.

That’s all well and good, but we all forget our strengths and slip off the #JustWriteIt habit. So what’s the best way to recover if you’ve let the odds get you down? For me, it’s always most helpful to go back to the heart of why I started the project – fiction or non-fiction. Once I rediscover that spark of enthusiasm, I’m follow it and let the words flow, without overthinking it.

Live the writing adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author



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Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks