Writer Wednesday #40

Is your writing style full of tricks or treats? When it comes to your writing life are you looking for the shortcut or a trick or are you treating yourself well and investing in yourself and your particular writing process?

“To a great mind, nothing is little.” -Sherlock Holmes

Sure the internet is full of advice for writers. Some of it’s even helpful. And there are tricks of the trade and bite-sized tips for increasing the effectiveness of your writing time. My top three are 1) Be consistent. 2) Be patient. 3) Be persistent.

Consistency, patience and persistence will carry you through a variety of obstacles in the writing world from the rough draft to seeing your book hit store shelves (if that’s your goal). Great news, since there’s no real shortcut to becoming a good writer or a “successful” author.

You must treat yourself right (take healthy breaks, give yourself room to be inspired, create a support system) and you must look at your writing time (whether you have few minutes or full days) as a treat.

When you view your writing time as a treat – no matter if you write 100 words or 10,000 words in each session, the writing progress becomes its own reward. Your writing time becomes a form of sustainable encouragement which infuses your next writing session with positive energy.

And that joyful energy is essential for bringing your ideas and message to life for your audience.

Live the writing adventure!

Regan Black paranormal romance author



Are you looking for a way to stay motivated and productive in your writing journey? Check out the Motivated Writer Toolkit – a new collection of my top four writing resources to keep you enthused and on track – available here at ReganBlack.com at a special discount!

Learn more or Buy Now

Regan Black

A USA Today bestselling author, wife, mom, coffee-addict, pet lover, not necessarily in that order. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter today and enjoy early access to new releases, exclusive prizes, and much more: http://www.ReganBlack.com/perks