Learn to get excited if your writing surprises you at times. Writers don’t need to be held to any specific ‘correct’ way of thinking or doing. As writers we learn there are many paths for our various trains of thought. Some people even feel the writer’s primary job is to challenge conventional thinking.
“A writer is someone who has taught his mind to misbehave.” ~Oscar Wilde
Writers naturally look at the world a little differently, in search of the reason or story behind what we see and hear. With each writing effort, we get better at expressing our experiences, often in ways or with insight that can become a beacon for others.
In that way, we’ve taught our minds to ‘misbehave’ and to see beneath the surface of everything from a sunset to a deeply personal issue.
Much of our purpose as writers is to think outside the box, to search out a way to make a point and share a story our readers can carry with them.
Remember all forms of writing are creative pursuits -even non-fiction taps that same well of creative energy. If your words rarely line up with ‘proper’ linear behavior or your process is different from another writer’s, that’s a good thing. It sets you apart and fills a need in the world around us.
Live the writing adventure!
If you have a question about your writing journey, leave a comment and I’ll do my best to address it in an upcoming post.
Are you looking for a way to stay motivated and productive in your writing journey? Check out the Motivated Writer Toolkit – a new collection of my top four writing resources to keep you enthused and on track – available now at a special discount!